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Garden Party

Jamun Homestay



Minh Châu




Natural forest homestay


Garden design



Among the forest in Minh Châu, near the beach, the homestay is a 600m² secret place lost in nature, and a treasure of untouched biodiversity. 


Jamun tree

The homestay calls itself ''Jamun Homestay'' precisely because the main specie of tree composing its existing forest is Jamun Tree, Syzygium cumini, or Malabar plum. This high tree is famous in Vietnam for its small purple fruits, beloved by the kids that snap the fruits in the tree and by adults that put them water to drink or to make wine. It is also loved by forest animals such as birds or small mammals. For the special link this tree has with Vietnamese culture, the client desire to keep the forest untouched in the homestay.


Jamun Homestay​ - Masterplan

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Jungle pathway - 3D render​

Along the villa, some flagstones in the grass make an elegant pathway to cross the luxurious and colorful jungle of the garden. At waist heigh, Canna and Paradise Birds reveal some shy orange flowers, while Monstera spread its giant green leaves in the path. The Bougainvillea climbs restlessly along the house to show proudly its bright pink flowers through the villa window.


Oasis of fragrances - 3D render ​

With a long swimming pool and waterfall in the garden, we recreate a paradisiac oasis around the villa. Some fragrant flower shrubs surrounding the pool brings softly some delicate touch of mediterranean fragrances, such as the sweet purple lavandula. The mix with tropical plants like Ravenala trees brings a contemporary touch to the garden, with a rich style combining traditional Europe with modern Asia.


Relaxing terrace - 3D render ​

With an exquisite paving inspired from the mediterranean art, the covered terrace in the garden offers a beautiful and peaceful place to relax with friends or family. This outdoor living room become an extension to the house, inviting people to go out and enjoy the moment outside, surrounded by soft bird songs and soft wind of the afternoon.


Gathering place, sharing moments

While walking among the quiet forest of Jamun trees, we can discover hidden tables to have party with friends in the richness of nature. Sometimes, birds and small animals come to join the feast with their songs.

lavender bee-min.jpg

Lavanders, the wild fragrance

Beloved in the mediterranean countries where it is grown for its essential oil for cosmetic and medicine, and also as herbs for cooking, the lavender is a symbol of mediterranean wild romance, with high pine trees standing in a wide sloppy field. In this forest, many lavenders cover the ground with their blueish foliage and soft shade flowers made of blue, violet, or lilac. Their fragrances are caried by the wind among the trees and tropical gardens, seducing the residents and attracting the bees. 


Pathways of peace

All throughout the Homestay, a network of discret pathway ponctuate the space and offer many possibilities of promenade. With  environment-friendly materials such as peeble or flagstones, the pathways have a good intergration to the forest and allow an easy absoprtion of rainwater by the soil. Walking among the trees at night after dinner, smelling the fragrance of the foliage in the early morning, hearing the beautiful sound of birds and river provide memories of an ever-lasting moment of deep peace.

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