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An Nhiên Retreat Villa



Tien Xuân, Hanoi




Green retreat for family


Garden & villa design


Private garden

An Nhien is a green retreat about 1 hour driving from Hanoi. Surrounded by high trees, the villa becomes a refuge to find peace after a hard-working week. “An” means peace, tranquility; “Nhien” means naturally, according to nature. An Nhien is a house and a garden of more than 8000m² away from the chaos of society, a place to return to the peaceful green space of nature with family members. An Nhien is where to make souls make one with nature. 


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Bauhinia variegata, the poetic guardian of the refuge


With its orchid-like flowers blooming during the dry season, the Bauhinia is a spectacular small tree in a green refuge garden as this one. 

Many hummingbirds enjoy the nectar of its flowers, adding more enchanting colors and sounds to the place.


An Nhien Retreat Villa - Masterplan

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Green overall - 3D render & Flycam

Despite the close neighborhoods, the garden is well isolated with many existing high old trees. The garden seems to be here for many years, and strengthen the feeling of green refuge.  â€‹

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Another sweet home- 3D render 

This villa, even as a secondary house, is as welcoming and warm as an everyday life. The architecture follows the traditional position of Hue house. The entrance path leads directly to the house and the fountain, offering a nice drop-off. 



Entering the forest

All the existing trees around the border and inside the garden offers of fresh atmosphere and a feeling of being alone with the nature, since passing the gate of the garden. 

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Gifts of the soil

In the back of the garden, close to the house for an easy access, stands the vegetable garden. Composed of aromatic plants, roots vegetable, leaves vegetables, and even edible flowers, this place is a flavor paradise. For grandparents, it also can be a pleasant hobby and a daily routine to come and collect the vegetables to prepare a delicious meal for all the family gathering. 

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Father and Son Fishing

Lively pond

At the end of the garden, after a peaceful promenade among the trees, a natural pond awaits its visitors. With high grass on the edge, many animals come to live, such as frogs, insects, small mammals. On the bank, the kid can see the ducks and edible fishes, that the father is trying to catch with patience during long afternoons. Some flowers along the bank also attract butterflies, while the water insects are chased by many dragonflies. This lively place is a good reminder that Nature is rich and resourceful, and can help relativize about the stress of daily life. Perfect to meditate about this in the tea house floating on the pond.

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