Sansevieria is a native plant of Africa, mainly Madagascar, and southern Asia. It belongs to the family family Dracaenaceae, among succulent desert plants and thinner leafed tropical plants. Common names are related to its longue and pointy leaves shape : mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue, snake tongue.
The plant forms dense clumps of thick leaves from a rhizome, that can spread and multiply in the soil. Originating from arid climates, Sansevieria has several adaptations for surviving dry regions. These include thick, succulent leaves for storing water and thick leaf cuticles for reducing moisture loss. The plant rarely bloom, but when it does, one branch carries a simple greenish-white flower, that will become a red or orange grape of berries. In nature, they are pollinated by moths, but both flowering and fruiting are erratic and few seeds are produced. A bloomed shoot will cease to produce new leaves, and will have to continue to grow by producing new plant via its rhizomes.